Creative Director and Product Innovation Lead

In workshops he creates participatory experiences and experiments that enable participants to better understand human viewpoints in technology driven product innovation

'Too Smart' - Predictions

Using small receipt messages in a real store to test customer (dis)comforts around the future of predictions at the point of sale.

—> Project, BBVA Innovation Center


A range of co-creation workshops to explore the role of cultural context when deploying global AI technologies.

—> Project, Google AI Research

AI Associations

A series of highly experiential exercises that explore our common perceptions and associations around AI.

—> Workshop, Google AI Research

NYC Foresight

Using a fictitious city department to explore the role of cities in enabling privacy and anonymity in the 24/7 connected future city.

—> Workshop & Project, City of New York, w/ Chris Woebken

(Ob)serving Behaviors

A series of exercises in that participants secretly surveil each other - using their eyes and ears only - to experience what it means to observe and be observed through personal data.

—> Workshop, School of Visual Arts

(Ob)Serving Personal Data

A series of exercises in that participants observe each other through their own data trails to uncover the unintended consequences of today's data driven products.

—> Workshop, School of Visual Arts


Together with students he explores the future role and responsibility as designers when working with increasingly pervasive technologies.

Future (Im)perfect

Exploring the future implications of increasing access to our personal data through experiments, scenarios and storytelling.

—> School of Visual Arts, MFA Interaction Design

Emerging Ethics

Using research, discussions and design to stimulate new discourse around the ethical implication of todays emerging technologies.

—> School of Visual Arts, MFA Interaction Design

Learning from Extremes

Creating extreme, AI driven future products to then explore their unintended social and cultural implications.

—> School of Visual Arts, MFA Interaction Design